Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dec. 9 - John 19: 1-16

Guilty or not?
Do you think Pilate was guilty or not? I think he was just as guilty as the Jews who were crying "crucify him!" But one can argue he was not guilty because he was a mediator, and his job was to listen to the people as a representative. However, in Romans 5:6,8 it states that we are all responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. This puts the blame on all of us. So in the beginning of the passage Jesus is being mocked by the roman soldiers, in word and physical pain. Does this mean we did/are doing this to Jesus? Being a born-again Christian my life should be changed, a new creation, an embodiment of all that Christ stood for. However my life sometimes does not reflect that. With all the sin that consumes my thoughts, words, and actions sometimes its hard to know that I am a Christian. Reading this passage made me realize that every time I turn my back to Christ I am returning back to being in the position of "this puts the blame on all of us." I again mock Jesus. I again slap Jesus in the face. I do all this to the one deserving of all honor. All praise. All glory. My everything. I hope that this passage can stay with me until I can better show the fruits of the spirit.

Mark Kim

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