Monday, December 1, 2008

Dec. 1 - James 1:1-18

In the past I always took this passage, and others alike, as an inspiration to persevere through those emotionally rough times. It is difficult trying to endure thorough the problems thrown at you as a college student, trying to get the grades you need, trying to fix relationships, or the lack thereof, or elicit a certain behavior to feel accepted. I read this passage in the past to receive hope to overcome lifes problems. But now I feel like its related to trials and temptations of the spiritual ,and less of the physical. I have been having a hard time being spiritually "upright" recently, but this passage shows me where I lack and areas in need of improvement. It may be so hard, or seem downright impossible, to maintain a certain level of spiritual integrity when you have so much sin in your life. But this is the kind of perseverance I need. "Perseverance must finish its works so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." This passage shows me perseverance is an integral part of growing in faith. There would be no need for perseverance if there were no obstacles or hardships. Without trials and temptations perseverance would have no meaning in the spiritual sense. In Romans 5 Paul writes, "rejoice in your sufferings for suffering produces perseverance." This passage, in addition to james 1, we see that we need to endure and overcome these trials and temptations in order to be mature and lack nothing. So would it be appropriate to hope for temptations or to wait with anticipation of trials of all sorts? Is it something we should pray and ask for? If spiritual maturity is what I desire, then I need to put my perseverance to the test.

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