Monday, December 22, 2008

John 5 : Dec 22

Hello everybody. I have not made a post in a long time. I'm sorry =[ Blogging is a lot harder than I thought. Well, I started on the book of John for winter break. Sharon and I are thinking of doing a bible study book on John so I thought it would be appropriate for me to go through it. In the beginning of the chapter we are introduced to the miraculous healing that occurs at Bethesda. I began to start thinking of the kind of healing I need, as well as the healing Cornerstone needs. There are a couple of points I see in this passage relating to healing. 1. We do not know when the stirring is going to occur. The disabled people wait, in anticipation, for God to move. If it were me waiting near the pool for a healing I would keep my eye on the pool like a hawk on prey. Yet, my spiritual life is not close to that. My weakness is a weak anticipation of God. I wait, but not hope. I call, but not hear. I need to be waiting with eyes open to experience God's movement. 2. Persistence. We see there are a many disabled people waiting for God, some that have been there for nearly 4 decades. What a wait! I can pray for revival all I want, but if I do not have patience with persistence I cannot receive his full presence and healing. 3. Stay away from sin. After a healing occurs God can take away his blessings if he thinks we are undeserving of our gift. The man that was healed was ordered to live a life free of sin or else... God requires us to be righteous always. Stay as far away from sin as possible.

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