Tuesday, February 10, 2009

feb 10 : matthew 13: 1-23

"Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand."

Many people do not understand why we [Christians] do the things we do. When we read the Bible we come across a different kind of message and interpretation than do those who are not of Christ. Even among fellow Christians we may find ourselves unable to simply understand the message in the Scriptures. Its amazing how true this is. Many times we have been presented with a particular message filled with hope, love, encouragement, faith, power, and more but all we see is ink on paper. There is so much, Jesus says, that is meant for us to understand and receive. We are better off than people of no faith because we do understand to a certain extent, but we must be fervent in our attempts to truly understand God's message. Like the parable given in this passage we see what happens to those who struggle with the worries of this world, the pressures of success, the sense of belonging, or even ignorance, they ultimately fail to see the glory of God. Be strong!

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