Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dec. 15 : John 8:1-11

In this passage I see the extent of Jesus' mercy and grace and how it is so different than the kind I possess. I find myself judging others in so many ways, both Christians and non-Christians alike. When I see people living a life not aligned with directions given in the Bible...I judge. There are sins that I look more down upon. Even as a leadership team, we really talk a lot about drinking and partying. It is an important topic for a leadership team I know, but we should equally address the other topics as well like gossip, broken relationships, and ostracizing among other things. But when does mercy and grace come into play? I realized in the leadership team that sometimes we judge others in our group for what they do, or not do. I was discouraged in one instance when it was difficult to differentiate between judging and constructive criticism in the leadership team. Why do I do this when I see that Jesus had a whole different perspective? He really did sincerely forgive this sinful woman. He did not condemn her nor forsake her. The people around her judging her were ready to stone the woman. Jesus says to them to look at their own hearts, to see also how dirty they are. My heart needs to be like that. To reach out to others; small group members, friends, family members, classmates I need to realize my own dirt. To help others I need to realize the magnitude of my own sin, to see from what depths I was saved from. I need Jesus' grace and mercy.

1 comment:

Angeline Tran said...

Amen Brotha! I was ashamed when i read this entry because that is exactly what i did. I saw a picture of an under aged person with a beer bottle and thought "This person wants to be on the praise team?" But I know my own sins are so much worse than this, yet still God allows me to serve. I need to have Christ's perspective and love and council rather than judge and condemn.