Friday, January 2, 2009

jan 2 : timothy 4

I just read a story in my devotional and it hit me hard. The passage I focused on today was from 2timothy - and the story in my devotional relates to this passage. There was a woman with a child who boarded a train one fearful night. A blizzard had just arrived in the area. The mother had a destination but did not know where to get off, the mother was frantically pacing back and forth. An old man noticed her and knew she needed assistance, so he offered a helping hand. Having known the schedule of the stops he told her he would alert her when her stop rolled around. She was thankful. The gentleman knew this next one was her stop. Once the train stopped he helped her and her child off of the train. The train was off on its normal route again. The train stops again, but to the gentleman's astonishment the train has stopped where the woman had originally desired to be. The gentleman asks the conductor, "why this is not the stop, it can't be! The last stop was..." The conductor tells him that because of the blizzard the train needed to make an extra stop to make sure the engine was working properly. The man frantically went in search for the woman and child. After a long search the woman and child were found frozen to death.
The man sincerely wanted to help, but his mistake cost the woman and child their lives. In 2 Timothy we read, ""For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."
I hope I can be honest to myself and friends of the knowledge I have of scripture, and work to build upon it sound doctrine.

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