Wednesday, January 7, 2009

jan 7 : matthew 6

Hello yall. Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I am in Maryland with Misol and her family...awkward. The internet is a hit or miss here, but I'm on now! I want to focus on the first two sections of this passage. The theme seems to be: "do not do things for recognition from people, but from God." How foolish it is when we try to gain rewards from men for doing something noble. Yet I still do it. There were many times in the past semester where I do things for the sake of recognition. Sometimes its so subtle that I do not even realize I am doing it until I do it or while I am doing it. Even with prayer meetings. There have been many Wednesday nights where I was either too tired, busy, or forgetful for prayer meetings. Yet when I got myself to go I realized I was going for people more than my desire to be with God. How foolish. I do not know if God will listen to those prayers. Maybe he will...for trying...but maybe not at all. Also when I help people out I should not desire to recieved anything in return. The scripture here tells us to not let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. When we do community service, do not make many claims of the fact that you were there. When we did Winterization I realized that many were there partly because they said they would be there off of a whim. Afterwards I was discouraged to find myself and others kind of blaming others for not being there. I do need to be more discreet with my spiritual life, also keeping in mind the things I need to keep open for other believers and non believers. =]

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