Wednesday, January 28, 2009

jan 28 : matthew 7:1-12

Ask, Seek, Knock.
There have been many times where I have made a request to God but get a reject message. I should go back and think, what have I asked for that made God not want to give it to me? I wanted so badly that new ninja turtle toy, a dreamcast, that girl, but God said "no". There are other times like, "God please don't let me fail", "Please take away my sadness", "Please don't let her die." And God turned those down too. More often than not God answered my prayers, in big and not-so-big ways. But to all those things he's turned down God taught me something, if he has not, he has not - yet. In this passage we see that God loves us enough that he will give us what we need when we need it. If a man can give his son a loaf of bread instead of piece of poisonous mushroom for food God in the same way, and even a lot better, will give you what you need - maybe not want. Need and want are different. Jesus tells us here, "don't worry about what you think you do or don't have, know that God will give you what you need." That is awesome. How many times have we worried about such stupid things. Lets cast our burdens, worries, sorries, wants, needs to our God.

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