Thursday, March 19, 2009

march 19 : galatians 4

Hello everybody. I have been moving around from here to there in the last few days. Hectic. Its nice to finally get some time to do a quiet time. I read from Galatians 4. This chapter was interesting. Paul takes a detour from his usual direct message to that of 'freedom'. We are all free, that is his message to us. Being free means to be free from bondage, the opposite of slavery. He gives us an illustration about freedom using Hagar and Sarah. Isaac was born of a free woman, Sarah, Ishmael was not. If we were born from a free woman, then we are also free. This is an amazing promise to us. We are heirs to a kingdom because we are children of the living God, the king of the universe. But why then are we still held captive to sin, especially us Christians? I think its about attitude, about true faith. We need to recognize our freedom in Christ. And in that we know that we can overcome sin as well, because our God has. I need to learn this as well. I often succumb to the temptations sin sets before me. But if I know that I belong to the living God I too can overcome sin. It won't be easy, but it can be done. I hope that we can fight this battle.

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