Saturday, March 7, 2009

march 7 : Matthew 27

The crucifixion and death of Jesus.
Its ironic that I read this passage today. I just got back from Joe Lee's play titled, "The last days of Judas Iscariot." The play is set in a court room with Judas on trial. Should he be given a chance to go to heaven? Or or his punishment for the unforgiveable sin hell? We can't say for sure where Judas is right now. We do know however that Judas probably is at the latter according to the Scriptures. Its scary. Whats going on through my mind right now is that people are always trying to figure out who God really is. There are plays written on the Bible interpreted by the author - a human. There are many questions we have remaining. The Gospels leave a lot out that we can only imagine. There are a lot of haters who dislike what is written in the Gospels. But I am now more relient on the Spirit to give me answers. I think a lot of people these days look at movies or books written about Jesus' life to give them the answers to their questions. However, the best interpretation comes from the Spirit. Instead of looking at the entertainment industry to give us answers, although entertaining, we should look to the one who can answer our questions. I know this is irrelevant to what I have read today, but for some odd reason this is what I started thinking about while reading this passage. I hope that we can find an interpretation sent from God and not from mere people.

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